Website Accessibility Statement
LONI’s operate according to the website accessibility standard of Israel “general guidelines for website content accessibility” and is doing its utmost to make all content accessible.
It should be state that despite all our efforts to make all content accessible, there may be some areas that have not been made accessible yet. If so or if you have encountered any difficulty in surfing our website kindly contact us through the following options:
Mail: or phone: 050-5254956
Our website integrates an “accessibility button” with the following several options to assist:
- Enlarge text
- Decrease text
- Grey tones
- High Contrast
- Opposite contrast
- Bright background
- Link Highlight
- Readable font
- Focus
We are continuing with our efforts to improve website accessibility as part of our commitment for and easy usage for all our users including people with handicapped challenges.
It should be state that despite all our efforts to make all content accessible, there may be some areas that have not been made accessible yet. If so or if you have encountered any difficulty in surfing our website kindly contact us through the following options:
Mail: or phone: 050-5254956 or via website: click here
Thanks you and enjoy our website,